Monday, August 20, 2007

Visit to Industrial Facilities

At Sundanese Puppet Production (from left: Mr. Wiwid, Director of Genta Wisata Tourist, Mr. Soetjipto and one of the Wayang Golek Artist)

At Guava Juice Production, Sukaresmi with Mr. Taufik, the Manager of the establishment.

At Guava Juice Production, Sukaresmi (from left : Mr. Hendy Kusumah, from Agribisnis Department of the City of Bogor, Ms. Tyas Ajeng, Mr. Soetjipto, Mr. Hidmat Sughiana, from Agribisnis Department, Ms. Maryam, the Leader of Farmer Female Group of Sukaresmi and their member)

At Aloe Vera Juice Production “Nuke de Aloe Vera”, Katulampa, Ms. Nuke, the President of the company, was explaning her aloe vera juice making process.

At DINI DESIGN, Natural Invitation Card and Souvenir. Ms. Dini Astriani, the owner of the business, was explaining her product making process.

At PT. Muara Krakatau (Garment Company).

At PT. Trias Sukses Dinamika (Javanony), Juice/health drink industry.

At PT. CAHAYA SAKTI FURINTRACO (OLYMPIC): Furniture, Manufacturing & Trading Company.

At CV. Suratin Bamboo (Bamboo Small Industry) (from left: Mr. Nazarudin from Department of Industri and Commerce of the City of Bogor, Mr. Soetjipto and Mr. H. Kosasih, the director of the company).
At CV. Munti Bali, small industry of ceramics.